Sunday, December 04, 2011

asking for help.

i have never been one to ask for help.  it's just how i am.  i like to think that i can figure things out on my own.  i should have learned from my experience in france when i was looking for work and for people to practice french with.  i would just go online on couchsurfing and different forums looking for help when people i see everyday were a more important resource.  i remember towards the end of my time, i had shared in class that i had been looking for french people to practice my french with. at the end of class, my prof told me that her cousin teaches english to french students and that they would be glad to have someone to practice their english with.  oh, how i wish i had asked my profs for help when i arrived.  now that i'm home and have been looking for work on my own to no avail, i am finally writing those emails to friends asking for help.

i have also submitted my resume to a third temp agency.  i do not have my hopes up for this one.  it may end up like the other two: nothing.  but maybe this one is different.  by far, it is a lot closer to home so if they can't help me, at least i didn't waste my time commuting over there.

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