Monday, May 14, 2012

my life is on loop

there is not much going on in my life.  i am still trying to find a second job.  had an interview the other day at macy's but did not get it. i have emailed another nonprofit to see if i can volunteer in their office doing the same thing there as i do at my current job.  i hope to do that for a few months and then transition into their operations internship.  ultimately hoping that i will get a part-time job offer from them as well.  that would be awesome.

the part of my life that is playing on loop right now is regarding a guy at work.  he likes me. i like him (though he doesn't know that--that's where the problem lies). anyway, we don't work in the same part of the building and we especially don't work together.  we just don't have many opportunities to talk. most of the time, i have the hardest time saying anything to him. this is what each day is like:  everyday that i work he comes in to work in the afternoon, makes his phone call and we exchange a "hi."  he hasn't tried to start a conversation with me. again, not much opportunity for that.  sometimes he finds an excuse to come into the office (make photocopies, print something, etc) but says nothing (maybe i intimidate him?).

i've told my cousin about the situation. she says maybe he would say more if i asked him, "how are you?", too.  (i am somewhat socially awkward). i'm thinking he may be afraid of rejection which is why he hasn't asked me out yet. i really wish i could talk to him as easily as i do everybody else but unfortunately that is not happening.

this part of my life has been going on since february.  i have an idea of when it could happen though.  according to one annual horoscope i found, it says nothing significant will happen regarding love, until this autumn. sigh.

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