Thursday, September 20, 2012

choose happiness

i came across another blogger's post with the same title. the author is an italian-new yorker living in paris. (this is her blog.) the title describes me at the moment. life has been a roller coaster but mostly a kiddie roller coaster. there has been no highs since i returned from france. at least nothing on an exciting scale. the lows however have been low.

recently, i started to think positively (again). i started to appreciate the smaller things more (even though i've always liked the smaller things). i'm currently taking a yoga class twice a week in the morning (a positive side of being partially employed). i think this is going to be good for me in the long run. it will help create a routine and because it's a morning class, help me move away from sleeping in on the days i don't work. thinking positively is working so far.

as far as my career path, i've put the whole idea of going into international development on hold. i'm not sure about it anymore. i've been waiting for guidance (intuition) on which step to take next but nothing happens. i don't feel anything about pursuing a degree in this field anymore which isn't a good thing. tomorrow, i'm going to look into another possible career path which will involve volunteering, again. we'll see how that goes.

also, i have come across a few blogs of americans living in paris. tales from the chambre de bonne, the one mentioned earlier in the post, is one of them. i recommend it if you like humor, the other is je parle americain. i had stopped following american expats in paris blogs for awhile. a few just wasn't the type of blog i was looking for. for a few, the authors had moved. i think reading these two blogs will help me to dream again.


  1. Hello! Thank you so much for the mention and including me in your short list of Paris blogs to read (I love Je parle americain also)!

    I'm going to jump to your latest post to see what you're up to. I hope things have turned around since September. Thank you again for enjoying my blog!

  2. Ah! I just read your full bio...of course I know you. You comment on the blog! I'm sorry I didn't check out your blog sooner. Well now I'm happy to have a new one to read!

