Friday, January 18, 2013

staying in the present

today as i was walking home from the library, a monarch butterfly flew by me. i knew it was no accident. something like a monarch butterfly is not something that is seen that often where i live. moths, flies, and hummingbirds? yes.  so awhile ago i googled to see if there was any significant meaning to them or any symbolism. and of course, there is. there was one long page about them. to summarize, it symbolizes transformation but also to enjoy life's journeys and not just the destination. basically to stay in the present and enjoy it.

considering what's been on my mind, that message is exactly what i needed to hear. i am the typical pisces. i daydream too much. often imagining what my future will be like. i've been thinking about my career. it's on hold right now. i could just go and begin already but that involves money that i don't have much of right now. and i'm not even talking about grad school. i keep thinking about what i really want. i've just been worrying about too much. especially things that haven't even come to pass yet. so coming back to the present is something i really need to remember.

also, i just realized this while typing this post but a few days ago i came across this video and the guy, buddy wakefield, was talking about the exact same thing: staying in the present. bizarre. i have to say though, this guy is awesome. he's a spoken word poet and he's won a few international titles.

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