Sunday, April 21, 2013


i'm old enough where i can look back at life. it's interesting when you can tell when something such as getting a new job can feel and be the start to the next part of your life and when it is only just a new job or another job. i know i'm about to enter into the next chapter of my life. for once i'm a bit scared.  i'm working on a cover letter for a job at ikea, again. it's not even for a management position but they want a cover letter. good grief. so i'm trying to put together something that isn't so... forced, i guess. i know that this time around it will be more like school and not work. what i mean is that i know there is something i will be returning to learn in regards to the bigger picture of my life. last time it was just about working and saving up money. i don't like it when work feels like work.

the other thing is my life has not moved much since i graduated. i came to ikea after i graduated and here i am now. the only difference is that now i know what my calling is. that's another thing that i noticed. life does not move forward until we decide to do so or sometimes we are even pushed to do so or after we've learned all we need to at that stage or a combination of those three. i never thought i would be coming back to ikea, but here i am. life is interesting like that.

sometimes you can feel when you are being led a certain direction. this is one of those times.

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