we hear the excuses of the mind all the time: i'm too young; i need more experience, i'm not ready to settle down yet; you are of a different religion (or race, region, social status, and so on). these are all excuses, for souls possess none of these attributes.
never worry about meeting soul mates. such meetings are a matter of destiny. they will occur. after the meeting, the free will of both partners reign. what decisions are made or not made, are a matter of free will, of choice. the less awakened will make decisions based on the mind and all of its fears and prejudices. unfortunately this often leads to heartache. the more awakened the couple is, the more the likelihood of a decision based on love. when both partners are awakened, ecstasy is within grasp. (pp. 158)and this excerpt:
listen to your heart, to your own intuitive wisdom, when making important decisions, especially when deciding about a gift of destiny, such as a soul mate. destiny will deposit its gift directly at your feet, but what you subsequently decide to do with that gift is up to you. if you rely exclusively on the advice of others, you may make terrible mistakes. your heart knows what you need. other people have other agendas. (pp. 163)
the last excerpt is dear to me. while abroad, i did meet someone. he was pretty much put right in front of me. i knew he was the one. however, i wasn't sure if he was single or not. if he felt the same way about me. as the months went by we got to know each other well. he would be comfortable enough to act like a dork around me. just like me. we were perfect for each other. still i didn't know. before returning to the u.s., i finally asked him out. in an email. doing it in person, or trying to, was the hardest thing ever. i sent the email over the course of the school break. he wrote back. he has a gf. mayebe true, maybe it isn't. i think it has something to do with me still not having my life figured out yet whereas, he has with his life.
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