Sunday, March 24, 2013


my birthday was last wednesday, the 20th. in every book on astrology and every horoscope section in a magazine, that makes me a pisces. i know i'm a pisces/aries cusp since i was born on the last day of that sign. many years ago, my cousin bought a book that teaches you how to draw your own natal chart, step-by-step. i have been looking at it pretty often within the last year. however, i have two natal charts drawn. the only difference is that on one chart, i placed the sun in aries and the other chart, the sun is in pisces. so i got a hold of my cousin's book again, flipped to the sun's page, and found out in the year of my birth, the sun had moved into aries on my birthday. that means i was born under aries, not pisces, as i had always believed. i'm both though. it's just i never read my horoscope for aries. i definitely feel i am more of the fish. so now i'm going back and reading for aries in all the astrology sites i follow.

to my fellow 20th of march friends (and anyone else born on a cusp), if you are curious you can figure out exactly where the sun was when you were born, here (you will need to know the time you were born as well as the city you were born in).

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