Saturday, January 21, 2012

cyber home

i moved to blogger not long ago.  i thought it was a good place.  recently i am getting more and more bored with its templates or limited template designs.  however, when i visit tumblr, i am finding so many modern clean themes that i want to use.  being at tumblr though means having unwanted followers following you. there aren't that many but just enough to creep me out. (when you see that the perverted follower actually doesn't maintain a blog but just follows a bunch of girls on tumblr, it creeps you out).

i really like my old theme from tumblr and wish i knew how to import it to blogger.  i also wish blogger would get with the program and design some modern themes instead of making its basic members use boring templates.  the other thing i don't like about tumblr is that it's not really a blog.  once read somewhere that it's actually a social networking site trying to act like a blog.

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