Saturday, January 07, 2012

getting older

in a few months, i will turn 31.  for some reason, that scares me a little.  i finally feel older.  or maybe just old.  last year i was preoccupied with the storm that was passing through my life right before my birthday.  i remember as a middle schooler, i would read seventeen magazine and every issue they would feature one high school.  looking at the pictures of the students, their first name and age would be noted.  being 13, 14, or 15 then, i always though those 17 and 18 year olds were so mature.  to me, i saw them as adults.  then when i got to that age myself, i didn't feel older.  this repeated when i turned 20, 24, 26, 28, etc.  i just never felt older.  i felt the older i got, the more i was lying about my age because i still looked like i could be 18 or 20.  i still do get mistaken for that age range.

but 31?  that seems old.

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