Saturday, January 28, 2012


recently i had done something stupid which got me in trouble.  my cousin showed no mercy and made me feel horrible about what i did.  i was mad at him for a few days after that even though i didn't see him since that evening.

this evening, i stopped by my friend's facebook page.  she was my best friend all through elementary school until our path separated, crossed, and repeated a few times more until we met up again two years ago.  i am just browsing her page then i see that there were a few recent fb posts made by her other friends.  they both alluded to some sort of recent accident that involved one of my friend's sisters. both her sisters are married with children.  the first post made was on sunday of this week which looked like when the accident occurred and her friend was offering prayers for a safe recovery.  then there are two posts from monday and tuesday.  those posts were both condolences given to the family.  i can not help to think that my best friend just lost one of her sisters and her niece and nephew just lost their mother.  all of this just after the korean new year.

i don't even know what to say to my friend.

a death definitely puts things in perspective.  my problems are nothing compared to this.

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