Wednesday, January 25, 2012

in need of a challenge

lately i've been feeling a little bit disappointed with myself.  before my second trip to france, i was hoping the experience would change me, that it would challenge me.  i did learn a lot and it did change me a bit.  however, i feel like there is still a lot of growing up that needs to be done.  going to france could not have done that because it was a country that i was comfortable with and that i knew i would be safe there.  not to say i want to put myself in danger but i need to go somewhere new and a out of my comfort zone.  i think my next experience, whether its for work or not, will have to meet those requirements. 

i am not exactly sure when that time will come, how many more years but months ago i started looking into getting field experience for my future career in humanitarian aid.  i found a program that was inexpensive but now i might reconsider since it's a very sheltered program.

however, my plans have changed a lot since last summer.  we'll see where this goes.

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